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How to Boost Affinity and Ignite Romance in Dragon's Dogma 2

17 Apr 2024
How to Boost Affinity and Ignite Romance in Dragon's Dogma 2

(Image Credit: Capcom)

In "Dragon's Dogma 2," navigating the nuances of romance and attraction is more intricate than ever, with an affinity system that plays a critical role in deepening connections with NPCs. This mechanic not only enriches the gameplay experience but also opens avenues to unlock special items and resources, enhancing the player's journey.

Understanding how to boost affinity and ignite romance involves strategic interactions, including gifting and quest completion, which ultimately contribute to the dynamics of attraction in the game. This article will explore effective strategies to maximize the benefits of high affinity relationships, offering players a comprehensive guide to thriving in "Dragon's Dogma 2."Β 

Understanding the Affinity System

In the world of "Dragon's Dogma 2," the Affinity System is a crucial mechanic that facilitates the development of relationships, including romantic ones, with the game's NPCs. Understanding this system is key to enhancing your gameplay experience and unlocking special interactions and benefits. Here's a breakdown of how to navigate and optimize the Affinity System:

  • Gift-Giving and Preferences:

    • Increase affinity by presenting gifts to named NPCs. Each NPC has specific likes that can significantly boost affinity levels when matched correctly.
    • Consult the NPC Logbook tab to discover an NPC's preferred gifts. This information is vital for selecting the most effective presents.
  • Quests and Escort Missions:

    • Completing quests and escort missions for NPCs not only progresses the game but also serves to increase your affinity with them.
    • Remember, affinity can be increased with any named character, not just those eligible for romance, broadening the scope of your interactions.
  • Daily Limits and Special Items:

    • Affinity can only be increased once per day for each NPC, so it's important to plan your interactions and gifts accordingly.
    • Certain items like the Bunch of Flowers or the use of augments such as Allure and the Eternal Bond ring can offer additional affinity boosts, making them strategic assets in your quest to strengthen bonds.

By meticulously following these guidelines and being patientβ€”since there's no direct way to track affinityβ€”you'll gradually deepen your connections with the characters of "Dragon's Dogma 2." Whether it's through thoughtful gift-giving, completing specific tasks, or simply engaging in daily conversations, every action contributes to the intricate dance of romance and attraction in the game.

Strategies for Increasing Affinity

Boosting affinity in "Dragon's Dogma 2" is akin to nurturing a garden; it requires patience, understanding, and a bit of strategy. Here's how to ensure your efforts in romance and attraction flourish:

  • Gift-Giving Mastery:

    • Adorable to Rare: Gifts are categorized from Adorable to Rare. Discovering an NPC's preference and matching it with the right category (Beautiful, Fancy, Expensive, etc.) can significantly accelerate the affinity process.
    • The Perfect Gift: The Eternal Bond Ring and Seeker's Tokens: Eternal Bond are akin to a master key, unlocking a substantial increase in affinity. Keep an eye out for these items!
  • Quests and Conversations:

    • Engage and Escort: Completing character-specific quests, especially escort missions, not only endears you to the NPC but also opens up new quests and merchant discounts. Every conversation, no matter how brief, slightly increases affinity.
    • The Trickster's Edge: Unlocking the Trickster Vocation and obtaining the Allure augment can give you an added advantage, making every interaction more impactful.
  • Understanding Preferences:

    • NPC Logbook: This invaluable resource is your guide to each character's likes and dislikes. Tailoring your gifts and interactions based on this information can lead to unexpected and rewarding developments in your relationships.

By integrating these strategies with patience and attention, players can deepen their bonds with NPCs, paving the way for romance, special interactions, and even strategic advantages in "Dragon's Dogma 2." Remember, the key to igniting romance and attraction lies not just in grand gestures but in the daily attentiveness and understanding of your companions' preferences and needs.

Navigating Romance in Dragon's Dogma 2

Navigating the romantic landscapes of "Dragon's Dogma 2" adds an enriching layer to your adventure, blending the thrill of battle with the heart's desires. Here's a quick rundown on sparking romance:

  • Quest for Love:

    • Characters like Ulrika and Wilhelmina don't just fall for anyone. They require you to complete a series of quests, proving your worth and dedication. Successfully completing these quests not only advances your relationship but leads to special love scenes, unique to each character.
  • Romance Dynamics:

    • The game's romance is inclusive, with no gender restrictions on relationships. This openness allows players to pursue their interests without limitation. However, it's essential to note that romantic scenes are tasteful and less intimate compared to other games, focusing more on the emotional connection.
    • Not all NPCs are open to romance. Only specific characters, such as Ulrika and Wilhelmina, have detailed romance quests. This limitation means players must choose their romantic pursuits wisely, especially since the NPC with the highest affinity plays a pivotal role in the main story's conclusion.
  • Strategic Romance:

    • The affinity system plays a crucial role in navigating romance. Building a high affinity with characters can unlock romantic scenes, but beware, the "Riddle of Madness" quest requires presenting an NPC you have the highest affinity with. Balancing multiple romances might complicate this task.
    • Romancing characters like Ulrika and Wilhelmina isn't just for the heart. It can also be a strategic move, aiding in solving one of the Sphinx's riddles, showcasing how romance and gameplay mechanics intertwine beautifully in "Dragon's Dogma 2."

Maximizing Benefits from High Affinity Relationships

Maximizing the benefits from high affinity relationships in "Dragon's Dogma 2" is akin to unlocking a treasure trove of gameplay perks that can significantly enhance your journey. Here's a closer look at how high affinity impacts your adventure:

  • Exclusive Rewards and Discounts:

    • Items and Resources: High affinity can lead to receiving valuable items such as Ferrystones for fast travel or Wakestones for revival, enriching your gameplay experience.
    • Merchant Discounts: Building a strong relationship with certain NPCs can unlock discounts at their shops, allowing you to save on essential items and gear.
  • Romantic and Social Perks:

    • Special Scenes and Dialogues: Achieving high affinity with certain characters unlocks unique romantic scenes and special dialogues, adding depth to the game's narrative.
    • Gifts and Gestures: NPCs may return the favor by gifting you items or displaying affection, such as blushing during conversations, further immersing you in the world of Gransys.
  • Strategic Advantages:

    • Main Story Influence: The NPC with the highest affinity plays a unique role towards the end of the main story, potentially influencing the game's outcome.
    • Pawn Affection: Reaching an affinity level of 620 makes your main pawn "fall in love" with the Arisen after the true ending, showcasing the game's intricate relationship dynamics.

By strategically nurturing relationships and understanding the nuances of the affinity system, players can unlock a myriad of benefits that not only enhance the gameplay experience but also add layers of depth and engagement to the adventure in "Dragon's Dogma 2".


Throughout our exploration of "Dragon's Dogma 2," we've seen the profound effects of mastering the affinity system and the art of romance within the game. From optimizing interactions and gift-giving to navigating complex character quests, players have a rich tapestry of opportunities to deepen connections with NPCs, which in turn enriches their gaming experience. Emphasizing the strategic importance of these relationships reveals not only potential gameplay benefits like exclusive rewards and merchant discounts but also adds a significant narrative depth to the adventure, blending the thrill of battle with the complexity of human (and non-human) emotions.

As players journey through the lands of Gransys, understanding and utilizing the affinity system becomes a pivotal element in maximizing their experiences in "Dragon's Dogma 2." Whether seeking the heart of a specific character or striving to gain strategic advantages through NPC relationships, the intertwining of romance and gameplay mechanics showcases the detailed world-building and character development efforts by the creators. By fostering these connections, players can unlock a distinctive layer of gameplay, demonstrating that the path to victory can be both through the might of the sword and the strength of the heart.

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