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Helldivers 2 Reinforce Not Working? Here's Your Solution Guide

14 Apr 2024
Helldivers 2 Reinforce Not Working? Here's Your Solution Guide

(Image Credit: Arrowhead Game Studios)

Facing challenges with the Reinforcement Stratagem in Helldivers 2 on your PS5 or PC can be frustrating, especially when the game fails to register a teammate as downed. Whether it's due to server stress from a high player count or game bugs, knowing how to navigate these issues is crucial for a seamless gaming experience.

This guide offers practical solutions to resolve the 'reinforce not working' error in Helldivers 2. From checking your internet connection to restarting the game, you'll find strategies to keep your squad strong and ready for whatever the game throws at you.

Check Your Internet Connection

Before diving headfirst into the fray in Helldivers 2 on your PS5 or PC, ensuring your internet connection is up to snuff is crucial. Here's how to ensure your online gaming experience is as smooth as possible:

  • Speed Checks: Utilize platforms like to measure your download and upload speeds. Remember, for Helldivers 2, you're aiming for at least 25 Mbps download and 3 Mbps upload. This site offers a real-world scenario test, giving you a clear picture of your gaming AT.

  • Latency Matters: A good latency (ping) for online gaming is below 50 ms. High latency can lead to delays and lag, which in Helldivers 2, could mean the difference between victory and defeat.

  • Optimization Tips:

    • Router Position: Move your router to a central location for better signal distribution.
    • Wired Over Wireless: If possible, use a wired connection for stability.
    • Limit Internet Use: Ensure other devices or applications aren't hogging bandwidth.
    • Restart Devices: A simple restart of your router and modem can sometimes work wonders.
    • Firewall and VPN Settings: Check your Windows Firewall settings and adjust your VPN as necessary to avoid connection hindrances.

If after these steps your internet still isn't cutting it, it might be time to consider upgrading your plan or switching providers. Remember, a stable internet connection is key to minimizing server-related issues and ensuring you're always ready for action in Helldivers 2.

Verify the Game's Server Status

Before you dive back into the action-packed world of Helldivers 2 on your PS5 or PC, it's worth taking a moment to check the game's server status. Here's how you can stay updated:

  • Social Media and Official Channels:

    • Arrowhead's X (formerly Twitter), Reddit, and the official Helldivers Discord channel are your go-to spots for real-time updates.
    • The game's official website and forums might also shed light on any ongoing issues or scheduled maintenance.
  • Third-Party Websites:

    • Down Detector provides a platform for players to report issues, making it easier to see if others are facing similar problems with Helldivers 2.
  • Key Updates:

    • The server capacity has been beefed up to accommodate up to 700,000 concurrent users, aiming for a smooth gaming experience even during peak times.
    • Recent fixes have tackled login rate limiting and joining games under heavy server load, ensuring you're less likely to face these issues moving forward.

If after checking these resources you find that the servers are up and running but you're still encountering problems, reaching out to the Helldivers 2 support team could provide further assistance. They're on standby to help troubleshoot any persisting connection woes. Remember, keeping an eye on server status not only helps you but also aids in planning your next dive into Helldivers 2 with your squad.

Give It Some Time

Sometimes, the best action is no actionβ€”at least for a little while. When facing connectivity issues or server errors in Helldivers 2, patience can be a surprisingly effective tool. Here's why giving it some time might just be the solution you need:

  • Temporary Server Glitches: Server issues, like the ones causing the 'failed to connect to server' error, often resolve themselves within minutes. Especially during peak times or following a major update or event (think double XP weekends), the servers might be overwhelmed, leading to errors like 10002038 or 10003001. Waiting it out can sometimes be the quickest fix.

  • Strategic Reattempts:

    • Immediate Action: If you're eager to get back into the action, try clicking the join button repeatedly. This might work, but if it doesn't,
    • Long-Term Strategy: Consider waiting for off-peak hours to try again, especially if you encounter the 'login limit reached' error. This reduces the likelihood of server capacity issues.
  • Community and Support: Keep an eye on the official Helldivers 2 forums and support channels. Not only will you get updates on the server status, but you'll also find community-shared solutions to common problems. If all else fails, reaching out to technical support might uncover more personalized solutions.

Remember, while these workarounds might not guarantee an immediate fix, they've been known to help players navigate through server-related hiccups. Plus, they offer an opportunity to explore other aspects of Helldivers 2 or, perhaps, take a well-deserved break before diving back into the fray.

Restart the Game as a Last Resort

When all else fails and you're still facing issues with Helldivers 2 on your PS5 or PC, sometimes the only option left is to restart the game. But before you hit that restart button, it's crucial to understand that this action could erase any progress not yet saved. Here's a breakdown of steps and considerations:

  • Restarting Basics:

    • For PC: Before restarting, ensure to save any progress if possible. Close Helldivers 2 and restart Steam. Sometimes, a simple Steam restart can do the trick without needing to restart the entire game.
    • For PS5: Close the game application and restart your console. This can help clear any temporary glitches affecting performance.
  • Advanced Troubleshooting:

    • Administrator Privileges: Running Helldivers 2 or Steam as an administrator can sometimes resolve underlying issues.
    • Check for Updates: Ensure your graphics drivers and Windows are up to date. Outdated drivers or systems can lead to unexpected game behavior.
    • Visual C++ and Overlays: Installing required Visual C++ files and disabling overlays (Steam, Discord, GeForce Experience) can significantly impact game performance and resolve startup issues.
  • Last Resort Measures:

    • Clean Installation: If problems persist, consider a clean installation of your graphics drivers or even the game itself. Remember, uninstalling Helldivers 2 will delete all local game data, so use this step as a last resort.

By following these steps, you can troubleshoot and potentially resolve any lingering issues with Helldivers 2, ensuring a smoother gaming experience. Remember, patience and a methodical approach to troubleshooting can save you from unnecessary frustration.


Navigating the complexities of connectivity and server issues in Helldivers 2 requires a blend of practical troubleshooting steps and patience. From ensuring a stable internet connection to checking server status and considering a game restart as a last-ditch effort, we've covered a spectrum of strategies to help keep your gaming experience as seamless as possible. These solutions, rooted in both preventive measures and reactive fixes, are designed to fortify your gameplay against common pitfalls that can disrupt the Helldivers 2 experience.

As we draw to a close, it's clear that while encountering challenges in-game can be frustrating, the array of possible solutions offers a blueprint for resilience and continued enjoyment. The significance of these troubleshooting steps extends beyond immediate fixes, contributing to a broader understanding of maintaining optimal gaming conditions. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the Helldivers 2 universe, the knowledge and strategies discussed here are indispensable in ensuring that your focus remains on the thrill of the game, unperturbed by technical setbacks.

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