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Flame Grant Me Strength: An Essential Elden Ring Build Guide

29 Mar 2024
Flame Grant Me Strength: An Essential Elden Ring Build Guide

(Image Credit: Bandai Namco Entertainment)

In the world of Elden Ring, "Flame grant me strength" isn't just a rallying cry—it's a strategy for survival and triumph. Your build, which is how you allocate Attribute Points and choose your weapons, can embody everything from sheer strength to intricate incantations, shaping your journey through this sprawling epic.

This guide dives into selecting your starting class, understanding core attributes essential for harnessing the flame's power, and optimizing weapons and armor. Whether you're aiming for a build focused on strength, dexterity, or a hybrid approach, the path to mastery in Elden Ring awaits.

Choosing Your Starting Class

Embarking on your Elden Ring adventure, selecting the right starting class for your flame build is crucial. Here's a breakdown to illuminate your path:

  • Prophet Class: A top pick for those seeking a Faith/Strength build, boasting a high Faith stat essential for casting powerful incantations like "Flame, grant me strength". Starting stats include Vigor: 18, Mind: 20, Faith: 27.
  • Samurai and Hero Classes: Ideal for players favoring strength and dexterity. Samurai starts with the Uchigatana, perfect for upgrading to inflict fire damage, while Hero offers robust strength stats.
  • Confessor and Astrologer Classes: Best suited for wielding the Sword of Night and Flame, balancing melee combat with flame incantations.

Each class brings unique strengths to your flame build, influencing your gameplay style. Whether you lean towards casting incantations or engaging in fiery melee combat, your choice shapes your journey through the lands between.

Understanding Core Attributes

Diving into the heart of your Elden Ring journey, understanding core attributes is akin to mastering the very essence of flame, strength, and magic. Here's a breakdown to light your path:

  • Primary Attributes for the Flame Build:

    • Faith (60): Your beacon for casting devastating Black Flame incantations, scaling with damage.
    • Vigor (60): Bolsters your health pool, essential for withstanding the lands between's brutal encounters.
    • Mind (50): Fuels your FP, ensuring you have the reserves to cast those game-changing spells.
    • Strength & Dexterity: While not the focus, maintaining a baseline (Strength: 4, Dexterity: 12) allows for versatility in weapon choices.
  • Secondary Attributes:

    • Endurance (50): Increases stamina and equip load, critical for maintaining agility in combat.
    • Intelligence & Arcane: Key for specific builds, especially those wielding the Sword of Knight and Flame. Intelligence directly scales single-target beam damage, while Arcane boosts item discovery and certain incantations.

For a flame build, your mantra should be prioritizing Mind, Faith, and Vigor. Mind ensures you're never short on FP for those crucial spells, Faith amplifies your Black Flame's ferocity, and Vigor keeps you standing amidst the fray. Remember, while Endurance isn't the star of the show, it plays a critical supporting role in stamina and equip load, ensuring you're always battle-ready.

Selecting Weapons and Armor

In the blazing world of Elden Ring, your choice of weapons and armor is not just about style—it's about survival, strategy, and harnessing the raw power of flame to grant you strength. Let's dive into the essentials:

Weapons for the Flame Build:

  • Blasphemous Blade & Godslayer’s Greatsword: Both are top-tier for flame enthusiasts, boasting unique flame-based weapon arts.
  • Vyke’s War Spear & Nightrider Glaive: Perfect for those who favor agility and piercing damage, coupled with fiery destruction.
  • Sword of Night and Flame: A versatile choice, offering both magical and fire damage, ideal for a balanced attack strategy.
  • Seals: Enhance your incantations with the Godslayer’s Seal or the Dragon Communion Seal, each scaling your damage output significantly.

Armor Sets to Complement Your Flame Build:

  • For Protection: The Bullgoat set offers unmatched defense, while the Mausoleum Knight Set balances mobility and protection.
  • For Style and Efficiency: The Black Knife Set and the Sage Set not only look stunning but provide beneficial stats for flame wielders.
  • Special Mention: The Ruler’s Mask and the altered version of the Eccentric Hood not only add a mysterious allure but boost your incantation capabilities.

Remember, the perfect balance between offense and defense in your gear can turn the tide of battle. Whether you're summoning flames to scorch your foes or standing firm against the onslaught with your armor, each choice reflects your unique journey through the Lands Between.

Skills, Talismans, and Spells

Diving into the heart of your pyromancer build in Elden Ring, the right combination of skills, talismans, and spells is what sets a formidable player apart from the rest. Here's how to ignite your path to victory:

Skills and Spells:

  • Must-Have Spells:
    • Black Flame and Black Flame Blade for intense fire damage.
    • Catch Flame and Agheel's Flame for direct combat.
    • Rancorcall and Ancient Death Rancor for staggering enemies.
    • Loretta's Greatbow and Magic Glintblade for ranged attacks.
  • Ashes of War:
    • Comet Azure for a devastating light attack.
    • Flame Stance for an area-covering heavy attack that annihilates enemies.

Talismans for Enhanced Performance:

  • Damage Boosters:
    • Fire Scorpion Charm increases fire damage but reduces damage negation.
    • Shard of Alexander boosts the attack power of all skills.
  • Resource Management:
    • Carian Filigreed Crest reduces FP consumption by 25%.
    • Radagon Icon increases spell casting speed.
  • Stat Boosters:
    • Marika’s Scarseal offers a boost to Faith, Intelligence, Arcane, and Mind.
    • Ritual Sword Talisman (optional) enhances attack power when at full HP.

Additional Tips:

  • Incorporate the Goldric's Great Rune for an all-stats boost, making your flame build even more potent.
  • Experiment with mixing incantations or Mage spells for added versatility and damage output, ensuring you're prepared for any battle scenario in Elden Ring.

By carefully selecting your skills, talismans, and spells, you're not just playing; you're mastering the art of pyromancy in Elden Ring. Remember, the flame grants strength, but knowledge wields it.


Through the exploration of starting classes, core attributes, weapon and armor selections, alongside skill, talisman, and spell choices, this guide has delineated the pathways to mastering the flame build in Elden Ring. As adventurers wield the power of fire to light their journey across the Lands Between, it's clear that the meticulous customization of one's build, anchored in Faith, Mind, and Vigor, plays a pivotal role in survival and victory. The strategic integration of these elements fosters a gameplay experience that is both unique to each player and formidable to foes.

The essence of this guide emphasizes not just the acquisition of strength through flame but also the importance of adaptability and knowledge in navigating Elden Ring's vast and perilous terrains. With the highlighted weapons, armor, skills, and spells, players are equipped to tailor their journey, striking a balance between offense and defense. As the flames of battle wax strong, the insights provided here serve as a beacon, guiding players toward triumph. Reflecting on the broader implications, the strategies and build recommendations underscore the game's depth and the myriad ways players can engage with and conquer its challenges.

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